Unappealing in a sentence as an adjective

The gates are securely locked, with an unappealing sign on the front.

I did a "git clone" and opened the example:* The example looks unappealing.

After working at the computer for 8+ hours straight going home and coding for the rest of the night is downright unappealing.

The problem is that your original post doesn't leave any room for critics who comprehend the svbtles game plan, but still find it unappealing.

You need to winnow out any opportunity that is even the slightest bit unappealing just to get the flood down to a manageable level.

Microsoft is just seen as an unappealing 'businessy' corporation for the general public.

Static is appealing because it scales like crazy, but it's also unappealing because it requires a "compilation"/"rebuilding" step that gets longer and longer as your site gets bigger.

Dynamic is appealing because it requires no "rebuilding" step, you just click "Save" and your words immediately appear, but it's also unappealing because "live pages" equals "lots of hits to the database", which makes scaling to handle even moderate amounts of traffic a problem.

This piece - beautifully written - reminds me of an old PBS documentary I once saw about how a savory-looking new food offering got flattened and homogenized into something really unappealing as it went through the fast-food commercialization process.

Unappealing definitions


(of characters in literature or drama) tending to evoke antipathetic feelings; "all the characters were peculiarly unsympathetic"

See also: unsympathetic unlikeable unlikable


not able to attract favorable attention; "they have made the place as unappealing as possible"; "was forced to talk to his singularly unappealing hostess"