Unanswered in a sentence as an adjective

My thank yous went unanswered. My smiles to you were not reciprocated.

If you actually go and look at github, there are hundreds of unanswered pull requests. So clearly that isn't working either.

We have made polite inquiries before, but they have gone unanswered. We're trying really hard to keep a hold on these pesky liberals, but they are doing a really good job on gaining seats.

The question from previous discussion remains unanswered. How does he finance his production of top notch open source software?

Questions raised but unanswered were whether recursive instances deserved to be deemed the "same" subroutine, and, if you could do it, what good would it be? It turned out you could do it: I programmed it for the IBM 704.

Whether the same UI innovation, hardware design will continue is a big unanswered question. The engineers may still continue to do awesome work.

I therefore spend too much time F5-ing to find a new unanswered question which is time consuming in the extreme and not sustainable long term. Is this just a phase to be worked through or do I need to continue dedicating large amounts of time?

Every question I have ever asked there has gone unanswered or has been answered insufficiently. The moderators are also awful.

The case therefore leaves several unanswered questions: this is a child pornography cases where mere possession alone is a crime: what if that wasn't the case? What if this was a ****** case and the defendant had stored notes about his ****** on the computer?

* Letting emails about people's already confirmed bitcoins being locked into your "wallet" go unanswered. * Generally being completely opaque about both what is going on, and why people are getting flagged at the last minute.

Within a month, the company had lost half their clients as support calls were going unanswered, the website was down, and clients who visited in person encountered an office that smelled of feces. None of my friend's tasks were high profile, but they were all critical to the health of the company.

Many of the top results are "closed as blah blah blah" -- so you arrive from google to a Stack Exchange page which has your exact question, excitedly you click, only to find it closed and unanswered.

There were so many unanswered questions in the Flippa posting and the HN "peanut gallery" that it makes me feel like 37signals was never looking for new buyers. Perhaps they already had a buyer in mind and just needed some negotiation leverage or wanted some free publicity.

Of course, the big unanswered question with the above is how do we avoid the echo-chamber effect, and what about that rare story on coffeescript I might actually want to see? But for now, I think the above would be a good first step, with some sort of bail-out possible if I want to "broaden" my perspective.

Been listed for 20 days already, all questions remain unanswered in the comments, no analytics/data provided, listed profit == listed revenue.

Try to search for some question you have, you'll find no answers, search the same question but pertaining to the Java or C version, and you’ll get a bunch of answers, blogs, even unanswered questions, Ada lacks that web presence greatly. Where are people going to talk about Ada and develop modern tools for it and frameworks in it if such places don’t exist?

The unanswered question is whether there is enough genetic diversity across the human species to cause intelligence to be significantly hereditable. The fear among scientists that try to keep the lid on this question is that the answer might be yes, and worse that such variations will correlate with geographic or national groupings.

In the context of Stack Overflow, it's obvious that the goal of keeping everything visible at the highest scope is to drive as many eyeballs to unanswered questions as possible. But I would argue that it is better to allow sub-communities to thrive and to allow them to control the granularity of those sub-groups... thus putting them in charge of how many eyeballs see their particular set of unanswered questions.

Unanswered definitions


not returned in kind; "unrequited (unanswered) love"

See also: unreciprocated unrequited