Twerp in a sentence as a noun

This guy sounds like a major league twerp.

I think the lesson in this case should be teaching your kids not to be a twerp to people they do not know.

It seems like the job of a bully to say "no way twerp, you can't use 'The Chief', that's only for cool kids to use".

Every little twerp of a kid is an angel to their parents, and 80% of the parents will blame you for any problem they create.

Not teaching them that they could accidentally be caught by information leakage while acting like a twerp.

Your characterization of Julian Assange as a "two-bit twerp" is weird.

I can see this odious little twerp without thinking of Eric Cartman: "Respect my authoritah"

Acting seems strained, but just like Anakin seems like a whining twerp in Attack of the Clones, these characters seem a little stiff and emotionless.

I use Crowdbooster's scheduled-twerp feature to post consistent reminders.

However, I do like his analysis of the community problems in collaborative sites like SO and Wikipedia as becoming run by an ****-twerp cabal.

I have a more realistic idea: Zuckerberg is a thief and a resentful little twerp with an inferiority complex, so much so, he even named his dumb project along the lines of the Winkelvii's crypto currency exchange.

Twerp definitions


someone who is regarded as contemptible

See also: twirp twit