Tubular in a sentence as an adjective

In a way, it is like a wiki, but tubular and tagged.

The pressure vessel must be a tubular structure with small well sealed doors.

They often have a tubular lock with a small number of lock combinations.

TL;DR; The cracks were expected and are well within the safety margin.> The tubular graphite bricks, each about a metre high, moderate nuclear reactions and are essential to safe operation.

The tubular diamond frame has been fine-tuned by an evolutionary process to the point where it is very close to perfection, given the basic design and materials.

This was nothing more than a small propeller, or series of them, mounted in a tubular foramen wrought through the body of the aerostat, drawing in air at one end and forcing it out the other to generate thrust.

But what if somebody invented some kind of flexible and detachable tubular device, perhaps housed in a durable rubber, that contained some type of metal filament that was capable of transmitting electrical signals from A to B?

Tubular definitions


constituting a tube; having hollow tubes (as for the passage of fluids)

See also: cannular tubelike tube-shaped vasiform