Truncated in a sentence as an adjective

The implication of #1 is that if checking for your password and you have a simple password then you need to check for the truncated hash. 4.

If the same link has been submitted N times before time T elapses, the delay is truncated at that point. Effects: 1.

The fact that the 32-bit version also truncated data with no warning doesn't make me hopeful, either.

There is the truth that here is someone who truncated the users table and because of that it caused the company great harm. Here's another 'truth'.

I wonder whether it's a mistake, and they're actually using RC4 with truncated keys or something.

Edit: on closer inspection, this version is actually truncated, so he sort-of has a point.

That is unnecessary; SHA-1 can be truncated to whatever size you're comfortable with.

Nobody has ever said that about tulips, the South Sea company, real estate in Florida, truncated SHA256 hashes, or dot-com shares.

I suspect that implementations that permit this are storing the number in a 32 bit integer and not checking to see that it was truncated.

The case of truncated timestamps discussed on the Python list is actually useful. However, the problem with the Python truth value of a date here goes way deeper than what folks have generally discussed and make the behavior here unsafe for any use.

Prosecutors intentionally misrepresented and truncated his comments to mislead the Grand Jury. The arrest warrant issued claimed they found him by driver's license records but he has never had a Texas driver's license.

And there's Android -- a completely different ecosystem, and somewhat truncated as a Java dialect, but still basically the Java language and able to employ most of the libs you're used to having: Guava, Guice and so on. No dynamic code gen, which stinks, but I know why they did it.

> --depth : Create a shallow clone with a history truncated to the specified number of revisions. If the OS and applications that are creating and modifying files are all honest about the file dates, it should be possible to only scan dates instead of reading out every file.

It's always seemed to me a truncated worldview, artificial and strained, ignoring the real content of our deepest intuitions of meaning, beauty, love and justice. I side with Plato and Cicero contra Lucretius, Aquinas contra Bacon, etc.

It's always seemed to me a truncated worldview, artificial and strained, ignoring the real content of our deepest intuitions of meaning, beauty, love and justice." Every piece of technology you use was built on insights provided by reductionism.

On another note, my fairly complex alphanumeric+symbol password IS in the dump, though not prepended truncated with 0's and the other one I found, which my coworker admitted was too short and alpha only, was in the dump with prepended 0's. This could validate the fact that the truncated hashes are actually already cracked.

Physical machines have varying levels of tolerance, and this impacts the accuracy of calculations in just the same way as a truncated number in a digital system reduces accuracy. It was a lot more interesting to read about the pros and cons of digital vs analog computers with respect to maintenance, reprogrammability, energy use, and reliability.

I don't know exactly why the hash is slightly truncated, but I guess David or Niels thought that 60 character hashes were a more manageable length. The author of this assinine blog post only contacted me a few days ago and obviously couldn't be bothered to wait for a response before proceeding to imply malicious intent for what is clearly a trivial difference between academic paper and practical implementation.

When working with higher level languages, I completely understand how my numbers will be rounded, precision truncated, etc. Casting back and forth to integers is often problematic, but even more telling is that the programs that have to be very precise generally use fixed-point integers.

Truncated definitions


cut short in duration; "the abbreviated speech"; "her shortened life was clearly the result of smoking"; "an unsatisfactory truncated conversation"

See also: abbreviated shortened


terminating abruptly by having or as if having an end or point cut off; "a truncate leaf"; "truncated volcanic mountains"; "a truncated pyramid"

See also: truncate