Troposphere in a sentence as a noun

I'm pretty sure exposing our troposphere to 6000K would hurt a little.

Air is a lot soupier close to the surface in the troposphere vs way up high in the stratosphere.

It's not a water-specific thing, but a crust/troposphere thing, of which water is a subset.

Most commercial flights are actually in the troposphere, which is about 17km deep in the temperate zone.

"The roles of carbon dioxide and water vapour in warming and cooling the earth's troposphere", Jack Barrett.

I think the combination of troposphere and boto is very powerful.

For example, the shuttles SRB work entirely within the troposphere and stratosphere.

Even if you had one sensor for every cubic foot of the troposphere nonlinearity would quickly swamp your model forecast.

Because the troposphere + upper crust is a fairly thin shell, so doesn't take up a lot of volume when visualized as a solid sphere next to the earthThat is the useful intuition.

The idea of a space plane is to fly higher to the thinner atmosphere and then begin the ascent to space, avoiding the energy loss used burning through the entire troposphere.

In order for the engine to be worthwhile the vehicle needs to spend a lot more time in the troposphere and lower stratosphere than any other launch vehicle, and that gives rise to all the problems I described.

Sadly even if we had one sensor per cubic foot of the troposphere nonlinearity would quickly swamp any predictive value, I'm not sure we will ever have accurate forecasts past a few days.

\n\nBase stations calculate the satellites' orbital parameters, and estimates of errors due to satellite clock error, and the ionosphere and troposphere, and transmit them to the satellites; the satellites send them on to receivers.

Pretty much all of our human conflicts are over resources - land, water, energy, etc. Unlike us meatbags, an AI would not be confined to the thin layer of the troposphere - it could grow and harness energy and material pretty much anywhere - the Moon, Mars, Mercury, a Dyson sphere etc. My question is, why fight over this particular rock, when there's essentially an infinite amount energy-matter out there?The other thing is, it's hard to imagine something qualifying as AI without it understanding things like ethics, morals, humility, aesthetics etc.

Troposphere definitions


the lowest atmospheric layer; from 4 to 11 miles high (depending on latitude)