Trophy in a sentence as a noun

I think that trophy is won pretty handily by Go.

Later the millionaire and his new trophy wife are gunned down in the street.

We interns definitely fought for it like a trophy.

I came in fourth or fifth place or sixth place in a lot of activities as a kid and I never got a got a trophy for any of them.

I used to think, like the author, that the "everyone gets a trophy" epidemic in America was a major problem.

How are pictures of cocks more dangerous than insincerity, lies, trophy girlfriends, mistrust, and narcissism?

The problem is that, whenever things become a bit more uncertain or it becomes clear that not all peoples' ambitions will be satisfied, they're high-class trophy-fires with giant bulls'-eyes on their asses.

"Accustomed to taking down trophy bucks with a hefty .30-caliber round, they ridiculed the AR-15 as a mouse gun and feared that its smaller .223-caliber bullet would only wound an animal, instead of taking it down with a single, clean shot.

Good point on how the pay problem for adjunct faculty is intertwined with the "everyone gets a trophy" problem for students:> “I knew the instructor was an adjunct, and that she taught at several places to cobble together a living.

You don't see how flying in a rich westerner into some poverty-stricken region of the developing world to carry out an endangered wild big-game trophy hunt might be more controversial than killing an animal farmed for food for its intended purpose?

Contrary to the millennial gripes and the 'trophy kids' syndrome, I believe that there's a generation of highly specialized and highly educated people out there whose expertise is going to waste because they are not getting the first important steps to start working on the job.

You see it all over: in the way America's youth treats Facebook and Twitter, in the exponential growth of "reality" shows and "talent" competitions, in the rise of celebrities who are "famous for being famous".With the way that America treats celebrity, not just as something to be desired but something to be expected, it's hard to blame parents for having that "everyone gets a trophy" mentality.

Trophy definitions


an award for success in war or hunting


something given as a token of victory

See also: prize