Triangle in a sentence as a noun

Yeah, that small little triangle on right/left side of icons.

But some things like dealing with triangle meshes or bit twiddling do better in C++.

If you can't write a function that gives me a row of Pascall's triangle, that's a problem.

The harmonics are what makes it sound like a triangle, not the frequencies below 20kHz.

Then you can poke around and see a round button with a triangle on it, a 40-year-old visual convention.

After 15 years of programming one doesn't really remember what the heck Pascal's triangle looks like.

This is why the triangle is one of the hardest instruments to digitally record.

These days a GPU is basically a method of drawing triangles really really fast.

So length is the distance between # the points labelled s and f. Bisect the angle a you get a right # angle triangle with hypotenuse of length $unit and angle at the # vertex of $radians_in_curve/2.

", or "if I compute the hypotenuse of a triangle with Pythagoras theorem, then cut a piece of wood and measure it, will they match?

A triangle wave sounds very close to a sine wave - a piercing pure tone - while being computationally inexpensive.

The shader for the caustics needs the ratio of the projected area to the original area for each triangle to compute the brightness.

Yeah they might not know about Pascal's triangle but they if they can understand and show an ability to solve your particular problem then they are a candidate for you.

The distinct sound of the triangle constitutes of a high fundamental frequency, ballpark 5kHz and of many very high-pitch harmonics.

> Digitally recording a triangle is the best example of why 48kHz is very limitingThe article's about distribution, not recording.

If that is true, surely in your up thread example of recording a triangle, the "impact on lower then 20kHz frequencies" would already have happened during the recording process in between the triangle and the microphone, and would have been captured perfectly on recording equipment that's proven capable of capturing everything below 20kHz?

Triangle definitions


a three-sided polygon

See also: trigon trilateral


something approximating the shape of a triangle; "the coastline of Chile and Argentina and Brazil forms two legs of a triangle"


a small northern constellation near Perseus between Andromeda and Aries

See also: Triangulum Triangle


any of various triangular drafting instruments used to draw straight lines at specified angles


a percussion instrument consisting of a metal bar bent in the shape of an open triangle