Transom in a sentence as a noun

So few Mac games make it down the transom that I do take note when they show up on Steam's list.

I don't live in startup world, but some stuff comes over the transom and lands on our desks.

Some people called these intermittent releases "throwing code over the transom".

There's nothing wrong with over the transom requirements and back over the transom fulfilment of them.

In fact TC is probably more open to stories that come in over the transom than the average reporter.

Indeed, the very most promising sources of good deals for Lerer Ventures would be from 'cold, over the transom' contacts from people it does NOT know.

I suspect that Apple will struggle with to support cross platform development beyond tossing Swift over the transom.

But ARM systems and systems from uncooperative OEMs will be locked, so you won't be able to assume that any laptop that comes in over the transom will be useful to you anymore.

A lot of the stereotypical application process and resume paradigm is all about filtering out and sorting random strangers who ping you across the transom.

Devops is a movement that brings developers and sysadmins together and that is one sign that there may be real engineering being done rather than buggy code being flung over the transom to the Ops team.

We're constantly dealing with things that come in over the transom at Blekko and getting a constant stream of sales guys and gals trying to tell us how their product will solve all our issues, and as I tell folks, if you don't know how to solve the problem how is it that you trust this solution being offered is sufficient?

Transom definitions


a window above a door that is usually hinged to a horizontal crosspiece over the door

See also: fanlight


a horizontal crosspiece across a window or separating a door from a window over it

See also: traverse