Transmittance in a sentence as a noun

Why does its transmittance data seem to bounce back and forth between 0 and 1?

What's going on here is a discussion about transmission and transmittance.

Window tint levels in NY state are limited to a minimum of 70% light transmittance.

Both wavelengths have better transmittance through fog than visible light so we say those sensors can 'see through' fog.

Blue curves being off says they probably did a poor job on the transmittance of their blue filter material.

What part of the influence of CO2 concentration on the infrared transmittance of the atmosphere are you questioning [0]?

Sunscreening devices, when measured in combination with the original glass, must have a light transmittance value of 25% or more.

I use them exclusively in the oven, where the IR transmittance of the glass is useful, and the uniform surrounding temperature makes the poor thermal conductivity a non-issue.

Then what would you call [purposefully] generating nano sized particles and mixing them in a specific ratio to add to glass to create a colour change effect that is highly sensitive to contaminants?It's not simply chemistry as it's using [apparently] engineered physical effects of light transmittance.

Proper Noun Examples for Transmittance

You never write "We poured the mixture" or "We measured the transmittance", but rather "The mixture was poured into a 250ml Erlenmeyer flask" and "Transmittance was measured using a model 500 spectrophotometer with a 580nm filter".The reason, as anyone who has read and followed more than a few "Materials and Methods" sections can tell you, is that this style of writing makes it very easy to skim through and find the relevant bits.

Transmittance definitions


the fraction of radiant energy that passes through a substance

See also: transmission