Transcendent in a sentence as an adjective

It's interesting that you put all the focus on "transcendent beings".

Is it because it's romantic to think there's something special, transcendent, about our minds?

The world needs a plurality of voices to advance; the despondent and downtrodden remind us where we are, and the transcendent and hopeful show us a way out.

It is truly sublime, transcendent, something entirely outside of ordinary human experience.

Forget God -- a belief in any transcendent property or existence or even a rejection of pure reductionism is typically greeted with a scowl and an argument which boils down to "Come on.

By contrast, a chronology of patent assignees produces its own historically significant insight: the alarming increase in exigencies threatening the dissemination of these ``transcendental treasures:'' ideas.

Nevertheless, the little content available and the classroom activities PDFs display a transcendent level of professionalism, a superior technical mastery of apparently every aspect of digital publication and an infallible mathematical aesthetic sensibility.

Transcendent definitions


exceeding or surpassing usual limits especially in excellence

See also: surpassing


beyond and outside the ordinary range of human experience or understanding; "the notion of any transcendent reality beyond thought"