Toughened in a sentence as an adjective

But make sure you've toughened your skin before posting to linux-kernel.

They were just capitalising on the fact that not many people realise how strong toughened glass is.

I would have thought going through normal ridiculing in middle school and high school would have toughened someone's skin enough.

When school started we'd grudgingly force them on over our toughened pads and endure the sting of wearing our natural soles down inside them.

But the implementation was never toughened up to database standards after the Macintosh got a hard drive and more memory.

But even without Gorilla glass, you can still use "standard" toughened glass that, correctly mounted, should never shatter just from the sort of thermal shock described in the article.

Screens on most high end smartphones are already toughened, you'd just end up with an evolutionary improvement rather than a revolutionary one.

Badger & Blade forum had a good process at the time where you started with a certain blade and worked up the sharpness ladder as your skin toughened up and you found the blade/razor combo that worked best for you.

But, reading the article, that’s not what those doctors say:”They want school entry procedures toughened so that the only exceptions made to the new rule would be for children whose parents have registered a conscientious objection to the measles, mumps and rubella vaccine or those whose health means they cannot have it”

But after scattered reports of new doctors and lawyers filing for bankruptcy and wiping away their student debt, resentful members of Congress changed the law in 1976.> In an effort to protect the taxpayer money that is on the line every time a student or parent signs for a new federal loan, Congress toughened the law again in 1990 and again in 1998.

Toughened definitions


physically toughened; "the tough bottoms of his feet"

See also: tough


made hard or flexible or resilient especially by heat treatment; "a sword of tempered steel"; "tempered glass"

See also: tempered treated hardened