Totalitarianism in a sentence as a noun

There was no catalyzing meltdown that lead to this modern embrace of a new "soft" totalitarianism.

> "And why would "the Italians" have a problem with either praise of Soviet Russia or anti-totalitarianism?

While I'm not claiming that the US is currently close to totalitarianism, there are some comparisons that have become quite disturbing:1. A regime that justifies itself by claiming to protect the populace from a vague but grave danger.

Controlling the gatekeepers of public conversation is a measure that is squarely in the court of totalitarianism-- this leak was the evidence needed to begin calling the USA a right wing authoritarian/totalitarian state.

Well it's nice to know that "one of the most important movements in Sweden for freedom of speech, working against corruption and censorship" wouldn't let concerns over something as insignificant as totalitarianism deter them from "forming a special bond" with a state to distribute warez.

Totalitarianism definitions


a form of government in which the ruler is an absolute dictator (not restricted by a constitution or laws or opposition etc.)


the principle of complete and unrestricted power in government

See also: absolutism totalism