Tortious in a sentence as an adjective

Both YouTube and the uploaders can make a case for tortious interference.

If I say "tortious interference" is that adequately specific?

That web designer turned a contract issue into a potential tortious interference issue -- against him.

He perhaps committed tortious interference with contract, or maybe alienation of affection.

Maybe not necessarily tortious, but certainly unethical and indicative of someone who should not be trusted in a business relationship.

[FYI tortious interference, less ceremoniously, alludes to 'tort', a decidely less delicious variation of the word.

In the event that a third party commits fraud using your cousin's non-secret driver's license number and your cousin suffers repercussions, the actual concepts you're looking for are libel and tortious interference committed by credit bureaus and banks.

Tortious definitions


of or pertaining to the nature of a tort; "tortious acts"