Tolerable in a sentence as an adjective

But when we are set in our ways that level of change is much less tolerable.

Or some other checkbox on the list of tolerable beliefs.

If Calibre worked half as well and was developed by someone half as nice as sampsyo the UI would almost be tolerable.

> government even in its best state is but a necessary evil, and in its worst state an intolerable one ...

In a case where you need a hand calculation, spending 3 seconds to re-derive the sequence seems tolerable.

It's just a means to an end, like so many other things that we invented to make the harsh reality of life somewhat more tolerable.

A "soft real time" system is one where failing to meet a deadline is a failure, but tolerable if infrequent; say, once every million keystrokes, or every 7 days of video play time.

And Apple's Siri is only borderline-tolerable for higher-level requests; it would be a bag of fail if it were asked to process 'open email' sorts of commands.

The lifestyles we consider just about tolerable are, by any historical or global standard, utter luxury.

Robert has discovered and eliminated a series of bottlenecks, causing performance to oscillate about tolerable.

A DPS investigative commission found that Salvador was asked to correct mistakes in about a third of all the tests he ran. Periodic job evaluations noted that Salvador struggled with an overall understanding of chemistry and that his problems were very systemic and his work right on the edge of tolerable, though not catastrophic.

He's milking a system in which he exists illegally and if it were actually legal to sell **** on the subway, the subway would be significantly less tolerable and he wouldn't be able to come close to making a good living.

You have an English-speaking domestic market that accounts for 30% of the planet's GDP, huge talent pools, easy access to capital, a culture that encourages entrepreneurship, significantly above-average rule of law, strong corporate veils, and a mostly tolerable tax burden.

Tolerable definitions


capable of being borne or endured; "the climate is at least tolerable"


about average; acceptable; "more than adequate as a secretary"

See also: adequate passable