Tissue in a sentence as a noun

The rest of the horrors of war are handled through live tissue training.

If you understand basic medicine and tissue trauma, you'll be able to stomach what you'll see along the way.

That is to say that the computer already knows the tissue that it is looking at is a tumor and not benign breast tissue.

Muscle tissue is relatively homogeneous and has a far simpler structure than skin and hair folicles.

This, combined with the fact that tumours are, compared to normal tissue, often poorly vascularized, means just getting ***** in can be a major challenge.

The way I understand it is this : if an implant is nice and smooth and well integrated with it's surrounding tissue then a titanium implant is safe.

There are people printing prototypes of human organs, and people printing nanowire tissue that will bond with human flesh and the human electrical system.

Tissue in a sentence as a verb

We are making progress on growing liver tissue, again because liver cells are particularly robust and the liver is not a strongly organized tissue.

This starts at the single parts of a body, then adds layers of tissue, muscle and fat to each part, connects all parts by joints and finally stuffs a share of vital and nonvital organs into the whole thing.

Slashing damage will cut through tissue, muscle and fat, might even separate body parts, blunt damage will pass through protective clothing and only bruise upper layers, but shatter bones and joints mercilessly.

But if you happen to swallow two tiny rare earth magnets, what can happen is that they latch together on opposing sides of loops of small intestine, gradually digging their way through the tissue and spilling gut bacteria into the abdominal cavity, which results in sepsis.

There are a bunch of companies which are getting FDA approval for computer vision related algorithms for scoring immunohistochemical assays for ER/PR/Her2 [1].So I am actually far less concerned about a computer doing my job very well, which is actually looking at a piece of tissue on a slide and making a tumor versus not-tumor distinction.

Even if you're experienced in the gym, you have to be careful about overuse injuries when you start using creatine, because the sudden ability to work harder, longer, allows you to put more strain on your connective tissue than you're used to.- The section on safety includes nothing about safety, except, in the last sentence, a weak suggestion that a single session with a personal trainer might be helpful.

Tissue definitions


part of an organism consisting of an aggregate of cells having a similar structure and function


a soft thin (usually translucent) paper


create a piece of cloth by interlacing strands of fabric, such as wool or cotton; "tissue textiles"

See also: weave