Tinkle in a sentence as a noun

You could tinkle with a little bit and do some AB testing.

Seeing all the lights and hearing all the tinkles, it's not hard to get the impression that everyone's winning.

He played for me a recording of a symphony where there was a sound of rolling thunder along with the tinkle of glass.

I've worked at Google for almost ten years, and the posts in the toilet have been mostly "Testing on the Toilet", not "Don't sprinkle when you tinkle".

If this was a problem I was truly concerned about, i'd attack it with discipline and tinkle bit of versioning.

What you should be able to hear in the street are "the tweeting of birds in the camellias, the tinkle of coffee spoons and the sound of human voices".

What you should be able to hear in the street are the tweeting of birds in the camellias, the tinkle of coffee spoons and the sound of human voices.

Tinkle in a sentence as a verb

Now the thought is associated with a bad feeling, and one will give rise to the other , just like tinkle of the bell induced pavlov's dog to drool.

Casinos encourage this tendency by making sure that every quarter that's won in a slot machine causes lights to blink and makes its own little tinkle in the metal tray.

The change they need to make is to lighten up rather than dancing in the entryway of my cube on tiptoes like they have to tinkle until I break down and work on their pet priority.

If you follow the link they show in the article, it brings you to an article about a survey that TravelZoo did and the question is: "Have you ever taken a tinkle in the ocean or a pool?

By using this proprietary piece of software, I do not have to tinkle with the inevitable strange bugs that pop up with the various libre options and therefore I am allowing myself to be the most productive I can possibly be.

But in this case the drooling of the dog can also make the bell tinkle, causing more drooling...- the amygdala response is about the bad feelings, and how the bad feelings can induce more physiological discomfort due to amygdala kicking in and doing "what it's supposed to" - now your bad feelings are superchardged as well- so, I would say it's not only about cortex or amygdala, but in depression the negative thought patterns and the physiological response can get linked into this destructive loop of continuous feedback.

Tinkle definitions


a light clear metallic sound as of a small bell

See also: ting


make or emit a high sound; "tinkling bells"

See also: tink clink chink