Ticker in a sentence as a noun

I guess it doesn't have any stock tickers then?

We should throw him a frickin ticker-tape parade.

When I listen to a song on rdio, it publishes it to my friends ticker feeds.

Maybe they can turn this around by offering their stock for 50% off normal ticker prices.

The ticker symbol is ambiguous to the untrained eye, and saved you maybe one keystroke.

Sure I'll show you an iframe with some ticker, equities blotter, trading tickets ...but that's just consumer commerce.

[1] Now I keep a closer eye on that ticker, to see how much lag there is in trading after market-changing news is announced.

The last time I posted a news story about a Bitcoin sell-off, most participants here didn't believe me, because the sell-off wasn't apparent in the ticker they follow.

So to those of us who actually brought in revenue instead of dining out on it, the ticker change was the embodiment of the persistent delusion that we were something other than a computing systems company...

Ticker definitions


the hollow muscular organ located behind the sternum and between the lungs; its rhythmic contractions move the blood through the body; "he stood still, his heart thumping wildly"

See also: heart pump


a small portable timepiece

See also: watch


a character printer that automatically prints stock quotations on ticker tape