Thunder in a sentence as a noun

An earnings report is going to steal the thunder of a product launch.

My Dad and my guide never heard the scream because the thunder was instant.

So somebody else cloned it – not to steal the thunder, but to let people use the program.

So it sounds to me like Uber got wind of Lyft pushing out this feature and stole their thunder with a beta signup page.

Seems like Uber rushed out their vaporware announcement of UberPool to steal Lyft's thunder of launching a concrete feature.

Thunder in a sentence as a verb

You mean "made of wood," but that's the most you can squeeze out. Please don't try to steal the thunder of actual artisans.> "unique built-in eraser"\n> "unique sensor lets you **** Pencil to erase"Yeah, the crappy Wacom knockoff I bought in 1998 had the same thing.

The one thing everyone in our company agreed on, regardless of political persuasion, was that robo-cars were going to thunder **** the high speed rail.

People think I am attention-mongering or something and if someone else hasn't had enough ego strokes for the day or I am threatening to steal their thunder or something, watch out!

" "Something flied by and there was flash" "Later, we don't know if something else will explode" "It was flash and then it flied to the forest, then we ran out I started to film and then thunder" "What an adventure!

We should have a blog post up in the next few days with the details, I won't steal the thunder but the new site will discourage spam, promote plugins with higher quality, and provide a consistent way for users to report/discuss bugs.> Wouldn't it be better to open the new plugin site then close the old one?Yeah that was our goal.

Thunder definitions


a deep prolonged loud noise

See also: boom roar roaring


a booming or crashing noise caused by air expanding along the path of a bolt of lightning


street names for heroin

See also: smack skag scag


move fast, noisily, and heavily; "The bus thundered down the road"


utter words loudly and forcefully; "`Get out of here,' he roared"

See also: roar


be the case that thunder is being heard; "Whenever it thunders, my dog crawls under the bed"

See also: boom


to make or produce a loud noise; "The river thundered below"; "The engine roared as the driver pushed the car to full throttle"