Thrum in a sentence as a noun

When you go to a race, you can feel the thrum of the engines in your chest.

Getting the car in the right gear, hearing the engine thrum - you don't need to be doing 100mph to enjoy that.

The quiet of the countryside was broken by the constant thrum of the windmills.

It was giving off a most pleasant thrum and there was hardly any deviation in the floating axis.

Thrum in a sentence as a verb

The quiet of the countryside was broken by the constant thrum of machinery.

A constant thrum of feedback we get: people aren't applying to Matasano because they're afraid they're not "good enough", which is shocking for us to hear.

The choppy thrum of a Kawasaki Z1, the shrill buzz of three cylinder two stroke Kawasaki 750s, the intense bass of a twin-engine top fuel Harley... these sounds are still part of my consciousness, decades later.

Thrum definitions


a thrumming sound; "he could hear the thrum of a banjo"


sound with a monotonous hum


sound the strings of (a string instrument); "strum a guitar"

See also: strum


make a rhythmic sound; "Rain drummed against the windshield"; "The drums beat all night"

See also: drum beat