Thickener in a sentence as a noun

Xanthan gum is just a thickener; I've used it!

It's used as a breading, thickener, binding agent etc.

"I assure you that well over 50% of the package mixes in stores use wheat flour as a thickener.

I believe it's still pretty common to use a form of seaweed called Irish Moss as a thickener in ice cream.

"I decided that your coeliac disease didn't exist, so I used wheat as a thickener.

From my admittedly loose reading I had thought that they did sell it as a baby milk thickener / were aware of its use as such.

It's a thickener / stabilizer derived from seaweed, ergo...

Its easier and cheaper to make your own taco meat seasoning than to try and buy a packaged envelope that doesn't use wheat flour as a thickener, for example.

The FDA’s current theory is that the problem is the xanthan-gum thickeners themselves, because of the way they interact with an immature gut.

Tl;dr: someone came up with the idea of a xanthan-based thickener for adding to liquids for post-stroke adults, xantham is made using bacteria, and they outsourced the production to an established manufacturer or such products.

Thickener definitions


any material used to thicken; "starch is used in cooking as a thickening"

See also: thickening