Testify in a sentence as a verb

What is the point of an oversight hearing if you refuse to let your top critics testify?

I want a witness from Homeland Security who can testify to what has happened.

The TSA actually put her daughter on the no-fly list so she couldn't testify against the TSA at her mother's trial.

Was someone asking you to testify against yourself at trial?And CBP does have the right to ask who you are and where you're going when you cross the border.

One of the victims has gotten so tired of it all that she now refuses to testify, and refuses to sign any old statements she made in regards to the whole affair.

These people were investigated and even brought to testify before Congress, and no actions were found that met the rigorous requirements to be called a crime.

" The historical practice and plain meaning of this text was, before the 1960's, that you couldn't force a defendant to testify against himself in a criminal proceeding.

In a normal scandal story, the appropriate committee would grant immunity to Snowden, have him testify, then bring up Clapper, have him testify, and compare notes.

For example, despite him being a French citizen, Dominique Strauss-Kahn is entitled to the standard Constitutional rights in his criminal trial, including things like being read Miranda rights, not being forced to testify against himself, and receiving a trial that accords with due process.

As I would say if I got 5 min to testify before a congressional committee:"Gentlemen, it has been suggested that, since Google and others have built technology to detect and block pornographically explicit pictures and videos, that they could build technology to block copyrighted pictures.

Testify definitions


give testimony in a court of law

See also: attest


provide evidence for; "The blood test showed that he was the father"; "Her behavior testified to her incompetence"

See also: prove evidence show