Tepid in a sentence as an adjective

This is far from over, and I don't think the public's reaction was tepid.

You should only be able to buy lima beans and tepid water with food stamps.

Really though, this is about as tepid a "come hither" piece as I've ever seen.

No PC gamer will be tempted by tepid performance in a small package.

"He's pretty much personally endorsing the deal, which is not savvy if he's tepid on it.

The original TC article only has a couple of bad parts where it says "Airbnbs response so far has been tepid at best.

I would love to know if someone close by is online or chatting, so that I don't have to sit there hoping someone sees my tepid 'Hello?

The public's tepid reaction has brought our nightmare scenario to life - we taught secretive government agencies that they can now do anything they want without fear of public backlash.

Whenever I talk about the fact that my primary transportation mode is walking Hacker News seems to have pretty tepid responses -- "why not bicycle or drive home and then sit for half an hour instead?

A ridiculously tepid non-apology apology considering the scale of the breach.

Tepid definitions


moderately warm; "he hates lukewarm coffee"; "tepid bath water"

See also: lukewarm


feeling or showing little interest or enthusiasm; "a halfhearted effort"; "gave only lukewarm support to the candidate"

See also: halfhearted half-hearted lukewarm