Tenseness in a sentence as a noun

This breaks the loop of anxiety and physical tenseness, which then lets you set the mind loose.

Only then, the mind calms down―tenseness and anxiety are normally in a feedback loop, and I have to break it.

This author's aggressive behavior and tenseness towards white people does not help his cause.

The symptoms of the anxiety cause muscle tenseness and lead to further inflammation.

Real Programmers aren't satisfied with code that hasn't been tuned into a state of tenseness just short of rupture.

I never got the write only aspect either; when you get used to the symbols and tenseness, it is really not that hard.

A balance is needed between the tenseness of Perl and the verbosity of AppleScript.

However in my case, it seems to be mostly related to muscle tenseness caused by serotonin imbalance.

I enjoyed erlang when I programmed in it in my fledgling days and I like the tenseness of the prolog-influenced languages.

To break the loop, you could of course hit a blunt, but that's not always an option, or at least not always the best one. Alternatively, you can take some time to free the brain from being hung up on the worries and to free the body from being contorted by tenseness.

Part of the process is going through a quick scan of your body and just noticing how your different parts feel: "huh, there's tenseness in my jaw", "there's a headache", "there's soreness in my leg" etc.

Tenseness definitions


the physical condition of being stretched or strained; "it places great tension on the leg muscles"; "he could feel the tenseness of her body"

See also: tension tensity tautness


(psychology) a state of mental or emotional strain or suspense; "he suffered from fatigue and emotional tension"; "stress is a vasoconstrictor"

See also: tension stress