Tenfold in a sentence as an adjective

Bitcoin went up more than tenfold in less than six months.

The price could increase tenfold and youd barely notice the difference.

Once a person has chosen an opinion, they tend to defend it, and this applies tenfold to a group.

I really believed that tenfold returns were expected in later rounds, too. Thanks for clearing that up.

After six hundred years of stasis, income has increased nearly tenfold since 1800. It continues its inexorable rise.

Tenfold in a sentence as an adverb

In any hospital, all you have to do is dispute the charges and demand documentation, and all of the sudden the bill is slashed tenfold!

The real question is: how much of that money has already been multiplied tenfold, through exits, IPOs or exorbitant profits?

Most companies could probably handle a tenfold increase in sales on their existing systems, even if those systems haven't been updated in a few years.

The invading placental cells paralyse the vessels so they cannot contract, then pump them full of growth hormones, widening them tenfold to capture more maternal blood.

Yeah, it was only a tenfold improvement because I was only benchmarking the solving of one board at a time, so a significant amount of time was spent on overhead, reading in the word list from disk, etc. I suspect if I ran multiple passes over larger boards, I'd see a much larger improvement.

Tenfold definitions


containing ten or ten parts

See also: ten-fold denary


by ten times as much; "the population increased tenfold"