Telekinesis in a sentence as a noun

This is as close to telekinesis as I'm likely to get, and I want it, dammit.

Sure, it'd be nice to have a few thousand years to think, but I'd far prefer telekinesis and control over the flow of time.

With what, their powers of telekinesis?I'm sure your workflows aren't identical to mine.

There are people who consistently perform above 75%.telekinesis is real, but humans are pretty weak at it.

Watch his other talks where he ponders of ancient Egyptians used some kind of telekinesis to move stones and build pyramids.

Blizzard didn't want to mess up the game when they made the telekinesis skill in diablo 2, but it turned out to be a big problem.

Yes, I am referring to such things as telekinesis, mind control, reading other peoples thoughts, pyromancy, and all of that.

Unless telekinesis has been invented, a photo of your door doesn't increase the amount of people who are able to try opening your door.

If you and I were to sit down right now and say well let’s draw up regulations for time travel and telekinesis we would, it’s a ridiculous question.

An alien race develops a technological version of telekinesis and... well, this is what happens.

Current theory predicts that we should not find evidence of either one, nor any evidence of ESP, telekinesis, or a zillion other phenomena.

As you mentioned state machines and patterns like reducers allow you to make state changes deterministic, solving the 'telekinesis' problem for global state.

There's all sorts of nonsense: remote viewing, telekinesis, harnessing zero-point energy, anti-gravity.

Every game has to have some "revolutionary" new feature without the basic gameplay being polished - three characters at once in Heroes, cars and guns in Shadow the Hedgehog, the mach speed zones, vehicles, and telekinesis in Sonic 2006, the swordplay in Black Knight, the list goes on.

Telekinesis definitions


the power to move something by thinking about it without the application of physical force

See also: psychokinesis