Teddy in a sentence as a noun

I was oddly surprised at just how humble that teddy looks in real life.

The good thing about a lifeless teddy bear is that they find out that they can change it, completely.

It's clear that Torvalds is this way almost all the time, which is why he has such a lovable teddy-bear image, for the most part.

Only Glass users can see the teddy bear in the corner, and only google glass users can see the giant graffiti wall where people sign their name.

Only Glass users can see the teddy bear in the corner, and only google glass users can see the giant graffiti wall where people sign their name.- Identify desired objects and make them stick out, "Dammit, where are my keys again?!

Teddy definitions


plaything consisting of a child's toy bear (usually plush and stuffed with soft materials)


a woman's sleeveless undergarment

See also: chemise shimmy shift slip