Tautological in a sentence as an adjective

Saying that a scientist is one who does science seems like a truism bordering on being tautological.

That seems tautological and obvious, but it's an important insight.

This is the sort of Top10ListWisdom rubbish that's almost tautological in nature and worthless when it actually comes to running a business.

Instead, it's an aristocracy claiming to be one, which is a bit tautological, since every such class claims it deserves its privileged position.

Vegetables have always been an essentially tautological group.

The only justification given for reducing the size of the company is tautological: we need to reduce company size because we need to scale down the size of the company.

In a somewhat tautological way I'd probably say that's something coming from a biological organism.

Tautological definitions


repetition of same sense in different words; "`a true fact' and `a free gift' are pleonastic expressions"; "the phrase `a beginner who has just started' is tautological"; "at the risk of being redundant I return to my original proposition"- J.B.Conant

See also: pleonastic redundant tautologic