Taupe in a sentence as a noun

I like how one of the pictures for the article is a color swatch for 'taupe'.

I wasn't really aware that "taupe"[1] was a colour until some Windows theme used that name.

Lots of calendars use this with good intentions, but you'll find yourself asking, "is that a grey, or taupe task?

Everything was taupe and tan with the medium purple Sun color in contrast.

Actually, try something like Champagne or taupe -- basically the color of sand or dirt.

The ones I saw on the road has this taupe-colored plastic on the bottom half of the vehicle and it looks really terrible.

Taupe in a sentence as an adjective

"The project manager needs to show that's he's here and actually doing things, and so decrees changes like getting rid of the duck or changing the color of the buttons from taupe to mauve.

I wish they would tell the story further, including how the man in taupe blazer would deliver the project and whether it would be a success or not, and what would happen past delivery.

The sha thing is just a convenient way of creating "colors" dynamically when we need to do a new deploy, without having to use a meaningless representation like "blue", "green", "taupe", "chartreuse", etc.

You definitely want "computer" to be more associated with "mail" than "taupe" but if the frequencies of their associations are small they'll essentially be interpreted as noise or overfit.

This one was definitely hard...With her wild flouncing tresses and flouncy taupe colored taffeta bodice, the young woman made quick work whipping her mascarpone to the delicate tune of the peony, bottlebrush, and wisteria inspired Decoupage Florentine style music box remarkably given her elevated progesterone levels.

Returning from war, the golem picked peonies from the garden of the wisteria-clad, taupe hued home of his lady love whom he spied through a window bedecked in flouncy taffeta tresses below a herringbone bodice while she used a bottlebrush to clean the dishes, her face framed by a collection of decoupages on the back wall, one depicting various mascarpone based desserts, another artfully show-casing the side effects of progesterone based birth control.

Taupe definitions


a greyish brown


of something having a dusky brownish grey color

See also: fuscous