Tantrum in a sentence as a noun

I was not placated when I threw a tantrum or cried.

She had a tantrum in private, which is the correct place to throw a fit.

The amazon tantrum yesterday and now this eesh

Nobody threatened a temper tantrum if the feature was added to TCP TLS.

It seems like a clear-cut case, and concluding "don't build anything for Twitter" is just throwing a temper tantrum.

"If you throw a big enough temper tantrum and incite a large enough shitstorm, developers will address your concerns" is an unfortunate precedent.

She's probably exaggerating when she said she had a "meltdown", but all the same, what are you supposed to think as a kid when your teacher has a tantrum in front of you because you're doing what you were trained to do?

During that time, the female arresting officer would periodically come by to taunt me, and tell me that I shouldn't have questioned her, and then threw a huge tantrum when I requested not to be touched by her for fingerprinting.

I will pass absolutely no judgement on you because I have no idea who you are, what you do, what the quality of your code/work is, but have you considered that maybe there is actually something wrong with the pull requests?With no references to examples if what you're talking about, it comes off as a bit of a temper tantrum.

How many college campuses and universities in the world struggle with real problems with real consequences to society like female students getting raped in dark alleys and fraud/bribery/plagiarism and never get the attention they deserve?The fact that this inconsequential squabble gets discussed so much and gets portrayed as the fight between David and "Goliath The Man", instead of being seen as a public tantrum being thrown by a spoiled kid living a cushioned life inside a cocoon made out of hopes and dreams, makes me sick to my stomach.

Tantrum definitions


a display of bad temper; "he had a fit"; "she threw a tantrum"; "he made a scene"

See also: scene conniption