Tampering in a sentence as a noun

--The FBI really did not want anyone tampering with the innards of their tracking devices.

If the FBI didn't want anyone tampering with the unit, they would have potted it in heavy epoxy or welded the case shut.

Misleading title - this doesn't prevent tampering, it just makes it obvious to you, as the laptop owner, that your machine has been tampered with.

Sounds like witness intimidation and tampering with evidence.

This may seem obstructionist, but it's based on a long history of dishonest merchants tampering with this type of equipment to defraud customers.

We tried to get Bush Jr out of office after his first term, and that was a very close election with just as much evidence of vote tampering as the his first election.

Carmody created a buffer of zeroed-out bytes to the right of "k" to allow for a free space to search for prime numbers without tampering with the illegal bits on the left that he still wanted intact.

Or did they simply ask the suspected backdoor CPU if the very memory it was just suspected of tampering with was clean?If you're going to open Pandora's box, I don't think you get to pick and choose what hypothetical backdoors to take out.

I know that this will remain at the bottom of this thread, because it doesn't have enough conspiracy theory in it, but does anyone really think that this is actual vote tampering?I mean, why on earth would you tamper with a voting machine so that it stuffs the ballot, but have it update the UI so that the user can see and report the error?

Tampering definitions


the act of altering something secretly or improperly

See also: meddling