Tailor-made in a sentence as a noun

A lot of people will simply make do. But many other will alter the clothing or switch to tailor-made clothing.

How can a product that is "tailor-made to fit into a person's mouth using 3D scanning and 3D printing" be sold refurbished?

Then the waste will be gasified using plasma, which is created by microwaves in tailor-made equipment.

Furthermore, it has to be tailor-made in a lab under highly controlled conditions for each individual receiving the treatment.

Tailor-made in a sentence as an adjective

> which they are not given that there is a billion years of prior artI'm not a Monsanto supporter by any means, but there is no prior-art for a tailor-made organism, is there?

".For $15, you probably won't get the most absolutely-custom-tailor-made experience - but you might at least get something that convinces visitors to take a closer look.

They're tailor-made for the attention-deficient iPhone gaming generation.

Do you really think a DRM plugin would ever work in Firefox or Chromium?If they really want to ship DRM, they can do it using the same tools everyone else uses, without special monopoly-preserving treatment or 'protected media paths' or kernel hooks or tailor-made plugin APIs.

Tailor-made definitions


custom-made clothing


(of clothing) custom-made

See also: bespoke bespoken made-to-order tailored