Tactics in a sentence as a noun

I wonder what the ex googlers who moved to FaceBook think of such slimy tactics.

I realised I almost had complete control of the buff market on my server so I changed my selling tactics.

* Simple diffing would prevent deliberate obfuscation tactics like burying provisions deep inside piles of irrelevant stuff.

I do not make a practice of hiding the core tricks as to why BCC works, in fact, I have practically written the complete business plan for cloning it five times and begged people to start using the core tactics.

It includes violent arrest tactics; police are trained in "pain compliance" techniques, which include spraying pepper spray into protesters eyes, and forcing their eyes open to do so.

Other times, it happens because of what I call "slicko" tactics by the other party, where something that appears to say "x" in fact has a legal meaning of "not x" owing to the use of weasel wording and the like.

On top of that with those useless patents they get to act as if they owned the whole of Android, and get to dictate manufacturers how to make their Android phones?I have no words for Microsoft, they're simply despicable and I don't know how anyone could support such a company that has proven time and time again they will adopt such tactics to destroy their competition.

Tactics definitions


the branch of military science dealing with detailed maneuvers to achieve objectives set by strategy


a plan for attaining a particular goal

See also: tactic maneuver manoeuvre