Synergetic in a sentence as an adjective

The modes are synergetic but OSS can't stand alone.

But now they can't even spin this as strategic or synergetic.

It might even give you a new perspective, a requirement that you neglected, it could have a synergetic effect.

If you think about it, Google benefits from proliferation of third party websites, thus cloud business is synergetic with Google search.

> cloud business is synergetic with Google searchThe funny thing is that while it's obviously synergetic, up to 2012 it was a Urs' toy project on the back-burner.

People can talk about elite team, synergetic community, excellent quality content, usability, etc but it all comes down 95% to one thing: SEO.

More generally, researchers works in isolation, they don't integrate other researchers synergetic ideas...

Microsoft bringing CSS subgrid support to chromium is a beautiful example of synergetic collaboration!

Caffeine and cannabis work together.> However, the combination of cannabis and caffeine mostly caused synergetic response in the level of the neurotransmitters; this implies that both substances produced their individual effects and did not cancel out the effects of one another.

They've probably seen that:- ARM chiops are soon at desktop speeds; further, there are dual-core and quad-core ARM chips in the near future- Laptops have been fast enough for years that customers can trade off some speed in favor of much longer battery life- They see synergetic advances in gluing together mainline Windows and Windows Phone with ARM platforms: ARM is certainly going to be a player, they're certain that ARM based minilaptops, netbooks, and tablets, when they become closer to mainstream, are going to eat away market share from Windows/x86

Synergetic definitions


working together; used especially of groups, as subsidiaries of a corporation, cooperating for an enhanced effect; "a synergistic effect"

See also: synergistic