Syncretism in a sentence as a noun

This leads to an important area of omission for the other: syncretism.

The thing to remember is that the Ptolemies ruled Egypt by conquest and pushed cultural syncretism.

Yes, but that's an example of syncretism, the mixing of religious beliefs and practices.

It's always enjoyable how the literalists tend to blank out at any mention of syncretism.

Also, observe the syncretism of Buddhism in different regions.

"The Cult of Tradition", characterized by cultural syncretism, even at the risk of internal contradiction.

If you squint and tilt your head you can claim that Moose is an example of a feature designed in one language and implemented in another, but Moose is more an exercise in language/feature syncretism than it is porting something complete in implementation or design to Perl 5.

Syncretism definitions


the union (or attempted fusion) of different systems of thought or belief (especially in religion or philosophy); "a syncretism of material and immaterial theories"


the fusion of originally different inflected forms (resulting in a reduction in the use of inflections)