Synapse in a sentence as a noun

The automagic flow from synapse to working code.

Interactions between cells are controlled and directed, as in a synapse.

It takes any spikes in electrochemical activity that are going on in the brain at the time, and says "that: build up the synapse for that.

When alcohol consumption is stopped too abruptly, the person's nervous system suffers from uncontrolled synapse firing.

And we still have limited data on the distribution of ion channels, receptors and other proteins on neurons, synapses and glia.

For instance we do not have enough data on the physiology and pharmacology of C. Elegans neurons and synapses.

Obtaining a deep understanding of the molecular machinery of a single neuron or a single synapse is just as difficult in C. Elegans as in human beings.

Synapse definitions


the junction between two neurons (axon-to-dendrite) or between a neuron and a muscle; "nerve impulses cross a synapse through the action of neurotransmitters"