Syllabary in a sentence as a noun

"a defined syllabary of sounds"Actually, that was one of the examples I had in mind.

It's more like syllabary, really, except you don't have a separate glyph for each syllable.

Class Robot include Creativity creative :language, :syllables => 2, :syllabary => %w{ ja ya ri je pi ze ku zo re } end

[1] Katanana, the other syllabary, is used for non-Japanese sounds such as those made by the wind or Americans.

The writing system, be it alphabet, syllabary or character system.

Something about the syllabary, the variance in tone and metre, causes resonances in my brain that bely understanding.

Apparently, it was partly "inspired by the success of Sequoyah's Cherokee syllabary.

How would he have written it in an English syllabary?Chinese has so few possible syllables that enumerating them is quite easy, but it doesn't use them all either.

He couldn't read or write any language in any script, so in the process of creating a script for Cherokee, he had to independently invent the concept of the syllabary.

[8] The syllabary is finding increasingly diverse usage today, from books, newspapers, and websites to the street signs of Tahlequah, Oklahoma and Cherokee, North Carolina.

It's more of a modular syllabary than what most people would think of as an alphabet; while the individual elements are alphabetical in nature, they're grouped into metacharacters that function as syllabics.

In addition to their unique number, some buildings also have a name, which is sometimes written only in the Latin alphabet, sometimes written only in the Inuktitut syllabary, sometimes either, and in at least one case both.

Syllabary definitions


a writing system whose characters represent syllables