Sycamore in a sentence as a noun

As a kid we had a load of sycamore trees - a close relative of the maple.

" and her friend says, "Oh great, I just used my ladder to hang a bird feeder from the sycamore tree!

The sycamore processor did it in 5 minutes.

My dad saw a documentary about tapping maple trees and he set out to tap the sycamore - it tasted vile.

At more specialist stores you might be able to pick up some stuff like sycamore and walnut, but it's a bit hit-and-miss as to what dimensions are available.

Maybe someday an app on our phones will be able to translate as we walk through the woods, like "A female Carolina chickadee in the sycamore at 10 o'clock says there's a raven coming from the south".

Sycamore definitions


variably colored and sometimes variegated hard tough elastic wood of a sycamore tree

See also: lacewood


any of several trees of the genus Platanus having thin pale bark that scales off in small plates and lobed leaves and ball-shaped heads of fruits

See also: platan


Eurasian maple tree with pale grey bark that peels in flakes like that of a sycamore tree; leaves with five ovate lobes yellow in autumn


thick-branched wide-spreading tree of Africa and adjacent southwestern Asia often buttressed with branches rising from near the ground; produces cluster of edible but inferior figs on short leafless twigs; the biblical sycamore