Swindle in a sentence as a noun

!I flat out refuse to talk to any founders that try to swindle people like this.

Nothing wrong with that, so why all the hate?This article is sillier than calling the kindle "swindle".

I won't do business with someone who let's sales swindle customers.

Keeping silent only allows these scumbags to swindle more people.

Here is his preamble to In Defense of Cheating:"No, I am not in favor of deception, trickery, fraud, or swindle.

So, the opportunity to swindle investors, the Market for Lemon Startups that created the dotcom bubble is gone.

Swindle in a sentence as a verb

It was the end of an era in which the big accounting firms had conspired with large corporations to swindle the public out of billions of dollars.

"Google is trying to swindle people with dishonest PR stunts" translates into "Google is doing the normal pr stunts that every company attempt; there are problems with most pr.

Yes, these criminal masterminds found a way to swindle honest hard-working themselves out of 440 million dollars and "get away with" a cool extra -12 million.

I'm not sure whether not describing the swindle method is more like security through obscurity or responsible disclosure.

"[1] It's the same argument politicians use to swindle taxpayers into publicly financing stadiums for billionaire sports owners.

Sure, he's not business friendly but we already have very powerful entities such as google advocating foss in a business friendly way. I still find his speeches entertaining and things like swindle and digital restrictions don't offend me, they're actually refreshing compared to the usual politically correct speeches.

Swindle definitions


the act of swindling by some fraudulent scheme; "that book is a fraud"

See also: cheat


deprive of by deceit; "He swindled me out of my inheritance"; "She defrauded the customers who trusted her"; "the cashier gypped me when he gave me too little change"