Suspense in a sentence as a noun

The suspense, then, and pressure, is on us.

The store being down creates a sizable amount of suspense.

"The suspense is killing me. Now I want to know sooner than later haha.

I think I get that there is a suspense point and make me curious, but not strong enough to make me sigh up.

It does, however, rob life of suspense a bit as experience teaches you to expect a lot of things.

This is hilarious - though I wish they had more of an artificial delay between the hops to keep the suspense.

You might even find there's no desk left when you arrive at work - who doesn't love the suspense of arriving for an oversold airplane?

But portrayal in fiction requires heroism, action, and suspense.

If they just launched the item with all the specs on the store as soon as it was introduced in the keynote or media event or whatever, then it would ruin the suspense.

Oh yes, the suspense and rollercoaster thrill of the "watching a person type a 2100 character string" setup would just make the "listen to a half-second fart noise" that much more amazing.

Does anyone else have difficulties reading articles written this way - structured as Hollywood movies, with artificially built-up suspense and all?

My guess is there are comparable things that would be you those same positive results of a glass of wineDon't keep us in suspense then, because the only things I can think of that give you similar results to wine are beer and liquor.

It was the first time I ever learned about cryptography, it featured an awesome scene where they work out where a car is based on the sound of the car going over speed ridges, it had suspense, fully dimensional characters you could care about, math, and tiger teams!

From this, you get rules like "every slide should follow logically from the previous", "there should be a strong motivation for why you're doing something", "omit boring stuff", "punchlines and surprise can really help if used well", "building suspense is also useful for some talks", etc. Note that the traditional "here are 3 ways our method is better than previous methods" is definitely not a story.

Suspense definitions


apprehension about what is going to happen


an uncertain cognitive state; "the matter remained in suspense for several years"


excited anticipation of an approaching climax; "the play kept the audience in suspense"