Surviving in a sentence as an adjective

From what I understand, if this goes through, T-mobile will be the surviving brand.

I know a couple that was reduced to surviving on popcorn and bloody mary mix for a couple days.

A lot of that was due to our manufacturing base surviving WW2 fully intact.

I'm finding a lot of these articles about "surviving" the outage fairly frustrating.

Woz, after leaving Apple due to surviving a freakin' plane crash, decided he wanted to fix the then common remote control.

" They're much more efficient at converting feed into flesh than any natural animal is, and they'd have no chance of surviving in the wild.

Google Reader kept the content of RSS feeds cached forever, meaning it was the last surviving record of a huge number of dead and deleted blogs.

It's not just saving employees money, it's saving employees from the pain of having to concern themselves with how their surviving dependents will get along.

It became important because it is an immense source of nutrients, and available in many places where surviving on available plants/fruits was near impossible prior to the development of extensive trade.

Friendship wasn't an affectation, it was a necessity; humans are effectively incapable of surviving as an individual with no social support, and these people were, by modern standards, in a constant state of just barely scraping by.

Surviving definitions


still in existence; "the Wollemi pine found in Australia is a surviving specimen of a conifer thought to have been long extinct and therefore known as a living fossil"; "the only surviving frontier blockhouse in Pennsylvania"

See also: living