Superintendent in a sentence as a noun

Kudos to the superintendent for doing his job.

My first job with a steady paycheck was being an assistant superintendent at a condo.

I think the superintendent's letter qualifies as something of a clever hack.

My construction site superintendent step dad moves to an iPhone because it worked better than his BlackBerry.

I'm not arguing that this is a morally correct thing to do, just that it makes good financial sense from the superintendent's perspective.

The difference is that if you forget your key, you know that you forgot your key, and you have to actively call the superintendent to have them "save your bacon.

The district was just about to go with openoffice, but for no clear reason at the last minute the superintendent made a unilateral decision to go with MSOffice.

The experiment even affected Zimbardo himself, who, in his role as the superintendent, permitted the abuse to continue.

Attacking a few teachers, clerks, etc. is much safer politically than asking exactly why the superintendent or CEO doesn't seem to care about efficiency absent a crisis.

I was given a specific script of questions to ask back in the 1990s when I was a community volunteer for my local public school district, doing reference checks on superintendent candidates.

My parents had a series of meetings with the school board and various people at the school district, and at the end of the school year the principal was "promoted" to a dead-end administrative job at the superintendent's office.

How about this?each Licensee must obtain the superintendent’s prior written approval for any plan or proposal to introduce or offer a new product, service, or activity, or to make a material change to an existing product, service, or activity

The organization, which happens to be my friendly local public school district, has for more than a decade checked out candidates to be district superintendent by having resume-checkers telephone the references listed on the candidates' applications.

Superintendent definitions


a person who directs and manages an organization

See also: overseer


a caretaker for an apartment house; represents the owner as janitor and rent collector

See also: super