Superbly in a sentence as an adverb

If that's true then it's been a superbly successful strategy.

I think it was a superbly tasteful presentation of Scala and FP.

It's still vitally important that you execute superbly on that 10%. It's just that that other 90% needs to get done too.

Steve Jobs made some important decisions and executed them superbly. Were they -- will they be -- the right ones?

It was also superbly nuanced. Empathized with both the customer and the problems this was causing him, and didn't imply the whole company was out to lunch.

Well, at the very least you've ruined the superbly expressive nature of mathematics through agreed upon special symbols. One could do the same with music and the results would be exactly the same.

Now I normally wouldn't upvote something like this on HackerNews, but that's superbly ironic.

As far as a pop-culture and on-screen rendition of the books go, Jackson's work has been superbly loyal to the source literature and to the audience who pays to see them. This is just straight-out snobbery, and I don't care for it.

Perhaps I'm superbly naive. And perhaps I've just not seen enough of the world, but I've gotten along just fine without having to resort to cloak-and-dagger behavior everywhere I go.

It looks like a superbly executed retreat with maximum damage inflicted on the other party to me. Can't blame him for trying to get out of this with as little damage to himself either, he's effectively still at it.

Keeping all user/site data under /srv makes it superbly easy to back up everything on a server from a single base directory.

Keep expectations sane - they can't release a radical new industrial design of superbly high quality every year. 2.

GCD is superbly designed and combined with blocks makes concurrency trivial. The biggest problem is that developers often try and over optimise.

And at least C++'s complexity offers superbly powerful features and excellent performance, and at least it's understandable how and why this complexity thus arises.

You'd be hard pressed to find any biologists left that would argue that discrete taxa exist, but whether or not humans are more closely related to chimps or gorillas is superbly knowable and certainly not "********". Likewise, whether or not birds and dinosaurs constitute a monophyletic clade is not ********.

Putting otherwise superbly functioning human beings naked in a rubber room is such a spectacular waste of human potential that I really have a problem just contemplating such things, it is like having my head defiled.

As much as people love to bash PHP -- and I agree that it's pretty awful as a language -- its standard library is so comprehensive, backwards-compatible, and superbly-documented that I have never had a comparably aggravating experience with it. The same is true of Javascript: a language with warts, but whenever I try something, it Just Works.

There are people outside the government capable -- perhaps superbly so -- of analyzing the merit of government action. It is also somewhat if not extremely naive to assume that government officials make decisions from a competent and ethical stance, and that "mistakes" are indeed a result of circumstances rather than malice or neglect.

As an Asian immigrant, and I knew plenty of Asian women who did superbly in high school - student council, extracurriculars, excellent academics, etc etc... who had the rug pulled from under them as soon as they graduated.

Superbly definitions


(used as an intensifier) extremely well; "her voice is superbly disciplined"; "the colors changed wondrously slowly"

See also: wonderfully wondrous wondrously toppingly marvellously terrifically marvelously