Sulky in a sentence as a noun

Now it is mostly ugly again, but like a sulky fashion model.

> People like this get grumpy and sulky when the technical decisions aren't what they agree with.

Email text to friendly teleprompter girl as sulky technician hooks up your mic.

I probably wouldn't use this going forward if I had to click through to something or open a PDF, I know that's sulky but just how it is.

Nottinghamshire has lots of dialect: mardy means sulky and petulant.

"While I think you have some interesting points about missing features, overall this post is sullied by its sulky, immature tone.

Sulky in a sentence as an adjective

You look like a bunch of racist, impetuous, sulky, ill-informed yobos blaming the world's victims for the acts of the very people you voted into office.

With pay per click you get some very sulky looks when you say 'how much of that result do you feel is caused by people clicking the ad that would have clicked the search result if the ad wasn't there?

In fact, sulky behavior is often an indicator of immaturity even if the management also sucks.

> Obama can be branded a petulant, entitled, pampered, sulky, embarrassed, teen-aged childEntitled?

Sometimes they act like spoilt children, especially when they get all sulky and declare themselves out because the entrepreneur wants to negotiate or took too many seconds to decide.

That is the rules, right?So if Snowden is to be branded a traitor, Obama can be branded a petulant, entitled, pampered, sulky, embarrassed, teen-aged child who is used to getting his own way, and will throw toys out of the pram when mommy says "no".Point being, this business of dirty tricks PR bites both sides.

Sulky definitions


a light two-wheeled vehicle for one person; drawn by one horse


sullen or moody

See also: huffish


moving slowly; "a sluggish stream"

See also: sluggish


depressingly dark; "the gloomy forest"; "the glooming interior of an old inn"; "`gloomful' is archaic"

See also: glooming gloomy gloomful