Stupor in a sentence as a noun

Did they just wake up from a drunken stupor in the lobby with a note pinned to their chest I wonder?

Luckily I run a blog that kept me active-ish and I slowly pulled out from my stupor.

This can be useful when you are trying to revive common active dry yeast from its freeze-dried stupor.

I posted the damned thing by accident while learning the system in a half awake stupor.

It's most likely that that the 2010 Commonwealth Games in Delhi temporarily broke the spell of apathetic stupor.

And, because I was in an half awake stupor, decided it was a good idea to share it with the world after accidentally posting it.

This slows the body's metabolism down and would cause hypothermic stupor if the patient had not already been under anaesthetic.

Mussorgsky is notorious for having spent most of his life in a drunken stupor, including, or perhaps especially, when composing.

I can only imagine there are new breeds of dissidents in the British isles, and I can only hope they rise some day to shock British culture out of its utterly self-righteous stupor.

It is your responsibility, as the initiator, to know whether consent has been given or not!Groping someone in a drunken stupor is very likely to get you into a LOT of trouble.

Writing about such an experience, a drunken stupor at a bar, and accusing people of this and that smacks of, as others have said, the behaviour that that false Adria Richards character displayed at Pycon.

I tend to hold the belief that consumer protectionism laws don't really protect consumers, in that it lulls consumers into an inattentive stupor when it comes to things they best educate themselves on instead.

Driving to meetings and seeing a couple dozen very healthy guys in the middle of any given workday hanging around and harassing people because they're bored or, drinking themselves into a stupor just to **** another day where they do nothing and nothing happens, is a very serious problem.

Stupor definitions


the feeling of distress and disbelief that you have when something bad happens accidentally; "his mother's death left him in a daze"; "he was numb with shock"

See also: daze shock


marginal consciousness; "his grogginess was caused as much by exhaustion as by the blows"; "someone stole his wallet while he was in a drunken stupor"

See also: grogginess stupefaction semiconsciousness