Stupendous in a sentence as an adjective

Yes, 2009/10 were better, but largely as a result of stupendous stimulus packages.

With stupendous effort he rose to his feet and then through sheer willpower got his bearings and tried walking on the sidewalk.

"If Mozilla were to switch to WebKit, rewrite its DOM implementation to be 20x faster, and then release that -- that would be absolutely stupendous!

If Mozilla were to switch to WebKit, rewrite its DOM implementation to be 20x faster, and then release that -- that would be absolutely stupendous!

While the Googles and Facebooks of this world get all the press, there is a stupendous number of developers working on good old-fashioned desktop applications and embedded software.

The huge benefits to Amazon as a universal retailer that might from such a delivery mechanism are stupendous and obvious.

In middle and high school, getting 17 or 18 is already stupendous; in college, top students rarely ever go above 15, and some professors skew their grading to rarely give out marks above 10 in order to toughen up students.

The only redeeming quality of the old school is that self-control over distribution gave them stupendous levels of access and leverage, something that doesn't seemingly exist anymore.

Yes, I know they have to deal with a stupendous number of applications, and much of their process is a direct result of that sheer volume, but so long as people walk around with that kind of attitude towards them, they're given all the excuse they need to be imperious about it, to boot.

Stupendous definitions


so great in size or force or extent as to elicit awe; "colossal crumbling ruins of an ancient temple"; "has a colossal nerve"; "a prodigious storm"; "a stupendous field of grass"; "stupendous demand"

See also: colossal prodigious