Stripped in a sentence as an adjective

Clearly the US needs to be stripped of their root DNS server privileges.

He then stripped off and covered himself with baby oil, and started setting fire to his cell.

If one professor is stripped of tenure for being controversial, then no one is safe.

What I see people saying here is, yes, "stripped down" is different, but in practice that difference turns out not to be better.

They haven't forgotten the outrage that happened after they stripped the social features out of reader and replaced it with the +1 button.

OLE on COM was very difficult to implement - so Microsoft stripped it down, simplified it and called the new set of interfaces ActiveX.

If the parties to a lawsuit settle the case, then that case is moot, and with very limited exceptions, the judge is automatically stripped of pretty much all authority in the matter.

All notifications are stripped of anything but text and an image and there's no way to put a button in where users may want one like the notification API already supports with RemoteViews.

Let me restate that: do not just take this \n patch and put it into production without careful review.\n\nSo to answer your question: this version was never running in production.. and it the initial patch didn't call mprotect because they stripped it out from their version when creating the POC.

This is basically a stripped-down article version of The Now Habit [0], without the good bits, such as guilt-free play, the idea that you should set aside time to do whatever without constantly thinking "I should be working", or the Unschedule, where you mark down the times you actually did good work.

The result will be, I believe, that Oracle will get its day in court but will only be able to proceed with a much-stripped-down version of its claims - something that might hurt Google a bit financially but will pose no real threat to the Android platform as a whole and will amount in time to nothing more than a blip on the radar.

Stripped definitions


having only essential or minimal features; "a stripped new car"; "a stripped-down budget"

See also: stripped-down


having everything extraneous removed including contents; "the bare walls"; "the cupboard was bare"

See also: bare


with clothing stripped off