Stirring in a sentence as a noun

Please stop stirring up drama about this issue.

They don't comment about how someone was stirring up drama.

The problem I have with this is that it is needlessly stirring racial divides.

Now you want to buy me a beer?You see, this is what pisses me off about you whiners claiming I'm stirring up drama.

As a result of the ****-stirring, people that don't know much about programming defended node.

Thanks so much for the fascinating and emotionally stirring article.

If I were stirring up a "**** storm" by offending people about a hot-button topic I would certainly start deleting everything I could.

Stirring in a sentence as an adjective

I can see the Bloomberg tomorrow stirring up excitement for FB's retail investors so they won't take a hard look at the numbers they actually invested in.

That these ****-stirring "journalists" are praised and said to have some sort of talent by their respective circles for knowing how to "shake things up," and their higher-ups want nothing more but for them to continue.

I downvoted it because it was needless speculation by an anonymous account called "routergate" which was created 35 minutes ago for the purpose of stirring the pot.

Montages of your own people/accomplishments/military force, accompanied by stirring music, for example, is propaganda.

They're always written in an clear, authoritative voice, even when said authority is not justified by experience or credentials, and the comments seem tuned for the purpose of declarative "**** stirring" through tone and content.

Let's use a simile:If particle physics is figuring out how a watch works by smashing it against a wall and studying the debrisThen biotech is throwing gears and springs into a test tube and carefully stirring at certain temperatures until you can hear ticking.

Stirring definitions


agitating a liquid with an implement; "constant stirring prevents it from burning on the bottom of the pan"


arousing to a particular emotion or action

See also: inspiration


capable of arousing enthusiasm or excitement; "a rousing sermon"; "stirring events such as wars and rescues"

See also: rousing


exciting strong but not unpleasant emotions; "a stirring speech"

See also: soul-stirring