Stipple in a sentence as a verb

I admire what you and your team have done at stipple and I think it will be huge.

I wonder who took the photo her stipple portrait is a copy of?

There are some obscure features in OpenGL like line stipple or selection mode.

Now it's almost balanced with both factions using the stipple technique.

It should be possible to put down a stipple pattern that, by construction, isn't a Garden of Eden pattern for at least one generation.

The interesting thing about these images is if you display them at anything other than 100% zoom, the colors disappear and you only see the grayscale stipple pattern.

When you'd need a shadow area to be really dark or "black" you weren't allowed to take a brush and simply paint it, no you had to stipple or cross-hatch it until you reached the desired level of darkness.

My intuition is that sending a batch of line/polygon/stipple/fill commands to a GPU would be more efficient than occupying a CPU and then using a bunch of memory bandwidth to transfer a bitmap.

Don't miss the rainbow picture on page 3, it's a pretty cool hack:"I then developed a far more nefarious test of color fringing: an algorithm that would take an arbitrary full-color image and generate a pure grayscale stipple pattern that appears colored on the N1 screen.

Stipple definitions


engrave by means of dots and flicks


make by small short touches that together produce an even or softly graded shadow, as in paint or ink


apply (paint) in small dots or strokes


produce a mottled effect; "The sunlight stippled the trees"

See also: speckle