Stipe in a sentence as a noun

Yeah, after you mentioned it, I put ours side by side with stipe, and yeah, they look alike.

The true cost to stipe is a fraction of a penny to put the request on to the network.

> but you are giving stipe pii when you buy something directly.

But you are giving stipe pii when you buy something directly.

Is there any reason why these stores need to store the full magnetic stipe details of the card in the first place?

The data on the magnetic stipe isn't encrypted, just encoded.

The comment about the unlock gesture is especially relevant; there is no need to stipe something across the screen to unlock a tablet.

Seems like the potential for a lot of angry customers, though if I remember correctly when it was spacebox it included stipe's fees in its pricing.

Using the stipe docs was a breath of freshair compared to the Slack api docs which I've been using recently and have been an abysmal experience filled with hundreds of open browser tabs.

Stipe definitions


supporting stalk or stem-like structure especially of a pistil or fern frond or supporting a mushroom cap